LLoyd´s Register Type Approval Certificate: Offshore and Marine Cables BS6883 & BS7917 rated to 1KV, type approval certificate No. 14/00031.
PVC Sunlight Resistance Type Approval Certificate: Test according to UL1581 Section 1200 and mechanical properties evaluation before and after aging according to UNE EN ISO 527-2.
LSZH Sunlight Resistance Type Approval Certificate: Test according to UL1581 Section 1200 and mechanical properties evaluation before and after aging according to UNE EN ISO 527-2.
Supplier Approval for Spanish Sector as Power, Oil&Gas, Water, Construction, Utilities,… for Customers as REE, Endesa, Repsol, BP,… Repro empowered by Achilles Registered 313557.
Gost-R Certificate, valid until January 2018.